Blackboard is the official KSAU-HS Learning Management System integrated with Academic Integrity. As a Web-based course-management system, it allows students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online, use online materials or participate in activities to complement face-to-face teaching. This system has been used by both KSAU-HS students and faculty since 2009. Eligibility: Faculty, Students and StaffAccess Link: Information: Ext: 92561, 92523
DetailsBlackboard is the official KSAU-HS Learning Management System integrated with Academic Integrity. As a Web-based course-management system, it allows students and faculty to participate in classes delivered online, use online materials or participate in activities to complement face-to-face teaching. This system has been used by both KSAU-HS students and faculty since 2009.Eligibility: Faculty, Students and StaffAccess Link: Information: Ext: 92561, 92523
DetailsThis workshop is designed to provide the attendee with a solid foundation using some of the common Microsoft Excel functions. Understanding the different tools will enable the user to create documentation in a more efficient manner